Thursday, June 03, 2010

...Never Enough Time...

Where does the time go? It seems every time I come to visit with my parents I am left with the same question. It seems I just get here and unpack when it is time to repack the car and head out. The woods are lovely this time of year and I have had the chance to walk along the lakes, taking in the scenery, the wildflowers, and the occasional look at the loons.

But now it is time to get the car packed-up and head off into the cities. My parents left a few minutes ago, leaving me the house to myself so I can get things organized and packed-up... Saga has been watching our things being carted out to the car. The pre-travel anxiety is not affecting her, though... she lifts her head to watch me go by and then goes back to snoozing in the square of sunshine by the front windows.

Ah! The life of a dog! It must be nice.

My next stops include Waite Park, to visit my aunt and uncle and then into the cities for a visit with my brother and his family. I guess I had best get used to packing and unpacking the car. It seems there will be a lot of it over the next few weeks.

Speaking of which, that car is not going to pack itself. I should post this and get back to work. But right now it is such a lovely morning. I may just sit here and sip coffee for a few more minutes.

Wherever you are today I hope that you're having a lovely morning!

Don Bergquist - June 03, 2010 - Kensington, Minnesota, USA

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