Friday, June 18, 2010


Well, I guess that means that Beach Week for 2010 is over. It's just about 12:30, all the cars are packed, the maintenance staff is here to clean the house and it is time to head home.

It has been a lovely week, a good time with good friends and I have to say again how lucky I have been. Luck, fate, god, the universe, or whatever you personally choose to believe in has chosen to put some really good people in places where I could meet them.

My itinerary is still up in the air. It appears that the short route (although it is, by far, the more boring) is the one I am going with. It appears that there will be heavy weather along the southern route (I-40 through Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas then north to Denver) so I am planning (unless things change in the forecast by tomorrow afternoon when I have to commit to one route or the other) to take the default route; US 17 to Charleston, I-26 northwest to I-40, then west to I-24 at Nashville; Northwest in I-24, north on I-57 and then east to St. Louis on I-64. It is then I-70 west all the way home.

Along the way, I get to have lunch with some of the Beach Week Crew in Charleston, a night with my cousins in Chapin, South Carolina, and then one, possibly two evenings on the road. It depends on how the trip goes. But unless I get started, I will never get finished. So I had best head out.

The GPS tells me that I have 1,785 miles to home. To quote J. R. R. Tolkien:
Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star,
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Wherever you are today, I hope the road before you is smooth!

Don Bergquist – June 18, 2010 – DeBordieu Colony, South Carolina, USA

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