Friday, April 20, 2007

Time To Travel

I guess you could say that I have always been on the go. I don't know why this is, it just is. Ever since I was a little kid I have always wanted to be headed somewhere. And when I couldn't be actually going somewhere, I would be thinking about going somewhere.

We traveled a lot when I was a kid. Every summer Dad and Mom would pile us kids (and the currently resident Schatzie) into the station wagon, hook-on the travel trailer and off we'd go. I guess you could say that I got my wanderlust from my parents.

But even when it wasn't time for the family vacation, I'd want to get out and go down to the scrub hills behind the church to play in the "jungle" that grew back there. My friends and I would ride our bikes up and down the paths that had been cut through the palmettos and ficuses. We'd make forts in the tree branches that had been piled-up by the bulldozers that were clearing the land for development. Or, we'd head further down Bird Road into the very periphery of the Everglades.

Those where the days when children could still be free-ranging without concern. My friends and I never really gave it a thought that we were heading out to the end of the Bird Road Extension. Well, not until we got to the parts of the road where the potholes covered more of the surface area than the hard-pack did. Then the bike riding became a bit more difficult and we had to pick our way more carefully.

I think of this because someone asked me yesterday whether I ever got tired of traveling. Sure! I do! Really, I do! But the destinations and what is at the end of the road keep me going again and again.

Ever since I took that first airline flight with my Dad when I was very young (four? five?) I knew that I wanted to travel when I was grown-up. Now, here I am, not quite a grown-up, but older…

While, I have to admit, Business Travel is not glamorous (and is downright tedious at times - consisting as it does, mostly of waiting) I still do enjoy going places. So, today, I am off to the UK again.

I hope that you are having a great day, wherever you are and wherever you're going! Life is a journey, have a great trip!

Don Bergquist - April 20, 2007 - Denver, Colorado USA

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