Sunday, April 15, 2007

Early Riser

On a fine spring day in 2001 I first set foot on land that was not a part of the North American Continent. It was the furthest away I had ever been from home. I arrived at Honolulu for a consulting visit and was almost immediately made aware of the problems of traveling that far east so suddenly.

The problem is that I was ahead of the residents of Oahu by a good five hours. The time change was not to hard for me to take, except that I wanted to be up at three-o'clock every morning. That is not too bad as the hotel I was staying in was full of tourists and many of them were suffering from the same jetlag I was. It also wasn't so bad because I have always been an early riser.

It is worse when you are returning home and you are seven-hours out of synch with the locals. I say this because I am sitting in my office. It is just after 04:00 and I am sitting in Downtown Denver at the office. I have some paperwork I need to do today but I wanted to put a couple postings out there for you guys.

It is pretty strange at home. I keep expecting Saga to come bolting down the stairs whenever I walk into the kitchen. The ability to cook a meal without being molested by the dog is overrated!

Oh well, I had best get to my paperwork!

I hope wherever you are today, you're sleeping soundly. (It is really early, after all!)

Don Bergquist - April 15, 2007 - Denver, Colorado, USA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're missing Saga but we can assure you she is doing well. Since you left she has visited friends, explored and taken posession of new lands, had friends to visit, ridden with Kevin in his convertable and been on a picnic by the river and walked just everywhere. What a life. She needs to get some sleep now ready for the next big adventure.