Monday, March 26, 2007

History Lesson

This morning, as I was getting prepared for my day, the minister delivering Prayer for the Day on BBC Radio quoted a poem by Steve Turner. I'd never heard this poem before but I felt it fitting for the kind of day I was likely to have:

History Lesson
Steve Turner

History repeats itself.
Has to.
No-one listens.

I say this because, once again, there is a load of work on my desk that didn't get resolved by the time I left for the week which is now critical. Why didn't it get done? Well, when it hits my desk an hour before I leave for the week what can be done?

As always, on a Monday, I'll wrap this up, leave for the office early and get throgh what I can. What more is there to be done?

I hope wherever you are today, you'll have a great day!

Don Bergquist - 26 March 2007 - Thames Ditton, Surrey, UK

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