Sunday, March 04, 2007

Adventures in the North-West Province

What a lovely morning! I awoke early, the sun rising over the hill outside my window waking me well before the alarm went off. I have to admit, it was only partly the sun, it was also partly the excitement of the plan for the day.

Up until this morning, my entire time in South Africa had been spent in the Gauteng province. This morning, after packing, walking around the grounds of the Apricot Hill Guest Cottages and B & B to take some pictures and having a lovely breakfast, Mark and I set off into the North-West province to head into Pilanesberg.

The drive was uneventful and eye-opening at the same time. Driving past diamond and platinum mines sprinkled in among the shacks of the people who work those mines was a bit depressing. The decrepit squalor of the area, the corrugated tin shacks pressed in tight against each other belie the wealth that is being pulled out of the ground such a short distance away. At every intersection street vendors (beggars?) approached the car asking to sell us sodas, asking for contributions to support their rugby or football clubs.

Around 09:00 we arrived at Pilanesberg. The park is lovely! I have to comment on how much the area looks like the area around southern Colorado/northern New Mexico and into the Panhandle of Texas. The area has similar craggy hills and low, dry/arid terrain. They are also equally bereft of lions, tigers, giraffes, and elephants!

Granted, we where there a bit late in the day, but the park was a bit of a disappointment. I'll grant that the disappointment is almost entirely due to my failure to get us to the park before sun-up. The heat of the day had already started to build so the animals were off hiding as we were touring the park. The only animal that we saw whilst actually in the park was this one Kudu.

Should the opportunity return and I get the chance to return to South Africa, I'll plan on staying at Sun City and get to the park around Sunrise. As it was, we saw more wildlife in the restaurant we ate lunch in than we did in the park.

This grass snake went skittering through the restaurant and one of the Game Wardens (having lunch at the next table) caught it and put it out in the lawn before the restaurant. There was also a bird that flew through, but it flew off before I could grab my camera. Adding to the abundance of animals at the restaurant (far out-stripping those actually in the park) was this troop of monkeys we passed in the parking lot of the restaurant as we were headed out for Sun City.

On the way into Sun City we passed these animals grazing along the perimeter of the park. The Zebras were not shy but the other animals (whatever they are) kept to hiding in the underbrush. We also passed

Sun City was fun too! We cruised through the casino (were I broke even) and explored the entertainment complex before heading to the water-world complex to race in mini-racing boats around the lake.

The big adventure of the day is yet to come, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

I hope that wherever you are today, your weekend has been an adventure!

Don Bergquist - 04 March 2007 - Randberg, Gauteng, South Africa

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