Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Sound Of Thunder

You wouldn't, necessarily, consider this time of year as one for thunderstorms, but last night there was a pretty good one. I was working upstairs in my office and heard the first clap around five. At first I thought that Saga had knocked something over in the next room. But then I saw that she had sneaked in and was asleep in the comfy chair in the corner... Hmmm!

When the flash lit the window and the next clap came right after it, the connection was made. I new what the sound had been. Now, you may think this is strange but I love inclement weather! That is, I love inclement weather that I do not need to be out in. I remember some real Lulus when I was living in Florida, a couple really nice ones while driving across the Texas Panhandle, and what I think was my favorite of all times, a spectacular lightning show I watched from the window of my compartment on the California Zephyr as it rolled through the twilight on the high desert near the Colorado/Utah border. What a lovely storm that was, the dying sunset in the background, the forked flashes in the foreground... but I digress.

Saga stirred with the next flash, looked out the window and yawned at me. I took a break, curled-up in the big chair with Saga and watched the show for a while. There wasn't much rain to it, but the light show was pretty good!

The front is by now. The weather forecaster on the television is talking about how we narrowly escaped a repeat of the blizzard of 1998. I'm okay with that... as long as we can have an occasional thunderstorm. The sound, the light! I wouldn't trade it for a thing.

Wherever you are today, I hope that you have a lovely day!

Don Bergquist - October 22, 2008 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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