Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Feeling Better

I'm not quite "my old self" unless by that you mean that I am old.

Geez! If you have have never had food poisoning - which I assume is what I had because I am feeling much better - I don't recommend it! It is no fun whatsoever.

I do not know what caused it... I hadn't been to any new restaurants, or had anything exotic or even questionable for the past few days but I felt like death on toast yesterday when I got up. Partly due to the digestive distress (sorry - no more details will be forthcoming) that kept me up all night on Monday, partly for the fact that I got no sleep because of the aforementioned.

Suffice it to say that other than getting out of bed and composing an email to the office - actually it was only about ten words long, so there wasn't that much composing to do - I spent the bulk of the day in bed, asleep, wishing I were not.

Saga dragged me out of bed to go outside a couple times. Poor thing, Daddy didn't feel well enough to even let her explore... he just kept telling her to get it over with so he could get back to bed. Actually, were it not for her, I would have not left the house at all yesterday.

But, as I said, I am feeling much better today. I was feeling well enough to eat a little broth and some toast last night and I made a bowl of grits for myself this morning and all seems well so I guess I should get this posted, and get to the office.

Wherever you are today, I hope that you are feeling well!

Don Bergquist - October 15, 2008 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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