Sunday, June 10, 2007

Slug Mode

What a lovely weekend! What a great day to do practically nothing. Well, nothing but the barest minimum required activity that is.

Yesterday, I was on the train with my bike to go for a ride around central London. I wanted to explore. I ended-up going down the Thames to a short way beyond Greenwich. It was a bit overcast but not that cold and it was a nice day to ride.

After my return, Saga and I were invited to a bar-be-cue (well Saga was told she could bring me along - Saga actually got the invite) at my friends' place in West Molesey. It was a very pleasant time! We had, as always, wonderful food, good drinks and an atmosphere that promoted good conversation. Terry and Angie outdid themselves with the food and the hospitality! We ended-up sitting late into the night watching the fire in the chimnea.

This morning, I did the minimal required duties around the house, brewed coffee, made breakfast, did a bit of clean-up and then took my second cup of coffee out to the terrace and sat with the morning papers for the rest of the morning. Saga must be loving the quiet morning as well. She hopped into my lap and fell asleep as I red the paper.

I have absolutely no plans for the day. I know that I will be going out for a nice, long ride later today, but for now, the terrace is just too tempting to leave!

Wherever you are today, I hope you're having a very relaxing day!

Don Bergquist - 10 June 2007 - Thames Ditton, Surrey, UK

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