Sunday, December 02, 2007

Guess Who Has Jet-Lag Now!

I guess I never thought about it, but Saga Roo is jetlagged! It never occurred to me that dogs could get jetlag, but what the hey! Why not!?

Dogs have a diurnal cycle like any other mammal and she has gotten acclimated to Greenwich Mean Time. She didn't have the benefit of taking a strong sleeping tablet to try and reset her sleep-cycle.

I know that she is jet-lagged because she keeps coming up to my room at ungodly early hours of the morning, jumps on the bed and wants to play. She doesn't need to go out, I know… I tried to take her out and she wanted to come right back in. Oh well, I guess I will just have to wait for her to catch-up to our current time zone.

Wherever you are today, I hope that you’re well adjusted to your surrounding.

Don Bergquist – December 02, 2007 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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