Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Travelogue: Australia – Departure

It is a cold and miserable day here in Lakewood; it is cold and we are experiencing freezing drizzle. The forecast calls for snow today if the front that started moving through last night should finish its transit. But by then, I should be comfortably ensconced on a plane. By Friday mid-morning, that’s tomorrow from my perspective, I should be happily basking in the warmth of the late summer of Australia!

The packing and cleaning is done, what preparations I have to make have been made. In fact, if it is not done by now, it isn’t going to get done. If it is not in one of the bags packed by the door, it is not headed to Australia. I guess some time over the next couple weeks I will come to discover what “it” might be that I am forgetting.

I am not sure why, at this point in my career – after over twenty years of business travel – I always have this last-minute fear that I have forgotten something! It is annoying, but I suppose that it is this moment of self-assessment that makes most of my trips so successful. I know that it is unlikely that I have forgotten anything, but running through the checklist never hurts!

So, relatively certain that noting has been forgotten, I suppose that there is nothing to do but to wait for the car. It should be here some time early this afternoon, so I suppose it is time to sit back and wait. So I guess I will just pack-up the computer and settle back to wait.

Wherever you are today I hope that all of your preparations have been made and you are ready for your day!

Don Bergquist – March 07, 2012 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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