Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Saga's Feeling Better!

For those of you who have emailed me, yes! Saga is feeling a lot better.

Poor thing was suffering some king of an allergic reaction to something. She manifested the reaction by constantly licking the upper part of her forelegs. She had rubbed them raw and furless in places. She had even developed small scab-like legions in the area of the fur surrounding the bare patches. Poor thing!

Friday I took her to see a veterinarian. (He was recommended to me by a friend in the office.) Charlie was very good working with Saga and correctly got her problem on the first shot. He gave her a shot (or a jab as they call them over here) and prescribed a cream to help clear-up her itch.

She has all but stopped itching and the fur is coming back. She is back to her own happy, frolicking self. If only she could connect how she is feeling now with the fact that she went to the Vet. (She hates going to the vet.) I guess that is why I have to be the daddy. I have to take her to the "bad" place so that good things can happen.

I hope wherever you are today, you're feeling well and good things are happening for you!

Don Bergquist - 15 May 2007 - Thames Ditton, Surrey, United Kingdom

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