Thursday, November 09, 2006

Happiness at the Harris House

I have no idea how this is playing back at home, but over here the news that Donald Rumsfeld has resigned is being greeted with great glee! Gads! Great gobs of giddiness are greeting the news of the git's departure.

Okay enough alliteration. Perhaps nobody here has the correct perspective to appreciate the full meaning of this news. They cannot seem to understand that the president has a history of backing people regardless of their complete unfitness to actually do the job. (Anyone remember Harriet Meyers?)

He continues to ignore the facts that the people he posted into key positions on the sole qualification that they are his friends. ("You're doing a heck of a job, Brownie!")

There is the theory surfacing in the UK that the removal of Rumsfeld was in title only. It is being proposed that Don will now be around in an advisory position to advise his replacement on how to mismanage the war.

All I can say that this is the unknown that we cannot know. And we know that it isn't known. We cannot know when we will know it if it still unknown, but even in that unknowingness, we know we don't care!

There was great rejoicing in The Villa last night as the news that there was a change in leadership in both houses and that the president has gotten another political black eye! What a wanker! Oh well. Let's hope with some checks and balances in place on the president's assumption that is omnipotent we will have some reason restored to our government.

I hope wherever you are today, you know, you care, you know that you care and that you care that you know!

Don Bergquist - 09 November 2006 - Thames Ditton, Surrey, UK


Anonymous said...

Rummy's departure marks a "Job well done" according to The Onion

Anonymous said...

And his replacement's a real gem - "couldn't remember" if he illegaly participated in the Iran Contra affair.