Thursday, December 30, 2004


The house is too quiet!

I took a walk in the park yesterday with the dog. We went all the way up to the Damn on Bear Creek. Saga wanted to go to for a walk and I really needed to do so after the holidays.

I have almost got my home back into the normal routine. I have got to get the rest of holiday decorations down and away, but that can wait a few days. I did not really send the entire day watching DVD's. I did watch one movie, but it was more like Dad "watching" TV. I fell asleep half way through the movie.

Today I am going to go through the park with the dog again. Then I have to go by my friend Chip's place to check on his cat. I will be then cleaning and organizing my home so that I am ready to go back to work on Monday.

I hope your holidays are going well.

Have a great day!

Don Bergquist – Lakewood, Colorado – 30, December, 2004

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