Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Poetry Corner

Today's entry is, largely, plagiarized. (Sorry… It's a busy morning!)

My Aunt Jennifer forwarded me an email the other day that seems appropriate to use at this juncture. While there has been no actual snow since that one day a week-or-so ago, the weather has been getting colder here over the past few days and it put me in mind of any number of the cold fall days I have spent in Minnesota visiting relatives.

So, the arrival of my aunt's email with the enclosed poem really hit home. The poem is quoted here directly from Aunt Jen's email:

I found this beautiful winter poem and thought it might be a comfort to you. It was to me and it's very well written. It is probably the best piece of English literature I've seen in quite a while....I am going to try to memorize this prose by next December....

a poem by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre

SHIT! It's Cold!!


I hope that wherever you are today, you're keeping warm and cozy!

Don Brrrrr (er, um!) Bergquist - 07 February 2007 - Thames Ditton, Surrey, UK

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