Monday, January 08, 2007

Down Time

Perhaps the best thing about your weekend plans fall through at the last minute is it leaves you with nothing to do for the weekend but lie in bed and do nothing. The attraction of this is not as obvious as it may be if you know that I have been suffering with a cold for the last week.

Riding to and fro during the cold and rainy weather over the preceding week allowed weakened my immune deferences so that I was more prone to catch the cold that has been going around the office (and the village for that matter) and so, when exposed, I caught it on New Year's Eve. I have been suffering through it with the help of cold medicine and Olbas Oil.

This weekend I was supposed to be going into Central London for a weekend of sightseeing and pub crawling with a friend who came into town. Unfortunately, for him, luckily for me, he had a cold while flying over and ended-up with an inner-ear infection. So, he opted out of the weekend in favor of a future weekend. I took the opportunity to spend the weekend in bed, getting over the cold.

Good move, I am feeling much better this morning and am ready to face the week with vim, vigor! Of course, I am facing a lot of work under tight deadlines this week, so it will be a good think I rested-up this weekend!

I hope that wherever you did this weekend, it has prepared you for a great week ahead!

Don Bergquist - 08 January 2007 - Thames Ditton, Surrey, UK

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