Monday, October 16, 2006

Back to Work

It is a foggy morning. (A foggy morning?!? In London!?!?!? In the Fall? Someone alert the media!!)

I am sitting at the kitchen island having coffee and wishing that I had made it out to Sainsbury's yesterday. I have no yogurt; there's nothing to put on my cereal but air. I guess I will have a banana and an apple for breakfast.

At lunchtime I will have to make sure that I get some breakfast food for tomorrow. But for right, my laptop is packed, my coffee cup is emptied, and the morning is wearing on so I had best hop on the bike and get to the office. I would really love to have just one more day to enjoy my weekend. Ah, but if wishes were horses rides would be free.

I hope wherever you are today, you're having a great day!

Don Bergquist - 16 October 2006 - Thames Ditton, Surrey, UK

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