Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Going To Be A Long Winter!

Just how much time can one spend watching movies? I've nearly been bested this weekend. The snow and ice are still on the roads and the roads are still crowded with the holiday weekend shoppers so there is no real desire to get out and go anywhere.

I made some calls, wrote a letter, and did some reading yesterday and then settled in and watched a couple movies on the tube. (Can it really be called a "tube" when it is just an LCD panel? Ah, well! I'll let that pass if you will.)

Today it is supposed to be a bit better, the weather has cleared a bit, but it is still too cold out to spend much time out there. So, other than a bit of household chores, and a couple letters I need to get written, I suppose it is another day for movies and television; relaxing on the couch, petting the dog.

Wherever you are, I hope your Sunday is a warm, cozy, and laid back one.

Don Bergquist - November 30, 2008 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks can be deceiving. When Saga and I had gone out at five this morning it'd looked as if it was going to be a clearer day than yesterday. But now it is just after one in the afternoon and it has been snowing all day... at least it has been snowing every time we've been out and about since the sunrise!

It has turned out to be an ideal day to stay snuggled under the duvet on the couch snug and warm in our electronic cavern.

The weather is predicting now that this will continue through until morning.

Ah! The joys of winter!
