Thursday, November 06, 2008

It's The Wildlife

Living in the UK was cool because when Saga and I would go for our morning walk we would often see foxes running through the streets in the village. Then there was all the fallow wildlife (deer, elk and the like) that lived confined into Bushy Park. But the wildlife here in Colorado is really something else!

This morning, Saga alerted me to something amiss outside the windows as I was laying in bed semi-dozing, semi-awake, semi-watching the news. When she would not give-up the growling and the occasional quiet yap as she stood, her feet against the window sill, I got up to see what had her so riled. It was the dozen-or-so deer that were sauntering through the complex. At least that was what I could see. Under the watchful eye of my faithful companion, the wildlife strolled across the lawn between my home and my neighbor's, paused a moment to nibble on the roses (or something else… but I think it was the roses) and then continued their saunter off in the direction of the park.

That was a cool thing to see first thing in the morning, but not nearly as cool (or as heart starting) as the sight that accompanied us as we took our actual walk a little later on.

We were just entering the park when I saw, off to my left, crossing the street by the school what I thought was a large dog; a grey German Sheppard or something similar. I didn't think much of it, Saga did her little "that’s right, get out of my park growl" as the "dog" moved off to the north. It was a moment later as we were walking down the path to the bridge that I realized that this had been no dog.

Another one shot across the path not ten feet away. Saga let out a yelp and then started barking. I had to pull hard on the lead to keep her near me. It came to me in a flash as the next one crossed the path slightly further on. "Coyote!"

All told there were four of them that were traveling in a pack across the park. I stood there, frozen, watching these wisps of grey smoke moving through the tall grass of the wild part of the park. Saga stayed close to me… but only because I was keeping her on a short lead. She really wanted to get out there and protect her park. Either that or she thought they were something to be herded ("Daddy! Did you get me some herd animals for a surprise present!?") and she wanted to get to work.

My heart pounding a bit - I really had no idea what they would do if they thought Saga was an easy target, I kept an eye on where they had come from for a second; there was no movement. I turned to watch them recede into the distance toward the school. They ran down the center of Yale Avenue. Now there is a sight you don't see every day.

All told, it was a good morning for watching the wildlife! It's just too bad that this time of year it is too dark for any good pictures that early! Oh well… off to work!

Wherever you are this morning, I hope your day is a little wild!

Don Bergquist - November 06, 2008 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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