Monday, July 03, 2006

Busy Weekend

What a wonderful, albeit busy, weekend! Go, Go, Go! All weekend, I was either preparing for my Fourth of July celebration or celebrating what a great weekend. Granted, it was a bit hot, so I didn't run out and get as much riding in as I would have liked, but with the nighttime ride after going to the pub on Saturday, I did get a bit of riding in.

I really do need to break out the cameras and take some pictures. I cannot believe I have been here almost a week now and have taken no pictures yet!

This is going to be a busy week. Although it is a holiday at home tomorrow, they do not celebrate it here (go figure!) so I will be working. But I have invited some friends to join me for a celebration of the day after work. I have a big bar-be-cue planned. Perhaps that would be a good time to take some pictures! Oh well, I had best get into the office and post this so I can get my week stated.

I hope that wherever you are, you have had a great weekend and that your week is shaping up to be excellent!

Don Bergquist - 03 July 2006 - Thames Ditton, Surrey, UK

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