Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Travelogue South Carolina – Lowlands Barbecue

There are always lots of wonderful things to do at the beach. Good friends, food, and drink. One of my favorites has always been the Carolina Lowlands Barbecue! The lovely pork marinated in a combination of vinegar, pepper, and savory spices! Ohhhhh!
I learned this year that Thanksgiving is no exception! As I was arriving this afternoon the journey to get the big was in the process of leaving. Due to dead zones in the cell coverage at the beach, I was not able to get their message to wait at the gatehouse and so we passed somewhere near the estuary.

But that's fine; I had just driven across half the state, it was time to decompress. There was to be plenty of activity later and what I wanted more than anything else was a shower, a glass of something cool, and a moment to put up my feet and read.

It was a nice respite from the activity. When the pig arrived this afternoon, it was with the pomp and ceremony it deserved! A lovely suckling pig barbecued and split, it arrived on a litter and Scott and I maneuvered it up the stairs and into the kitchen.

It takes up a large portion of the central dining table and almost immediately people arrive to pick at it, uh-er, I mean to make sure it is up to its usual standards. Even the youngest among us got into the spirit of it. It was a lovely afternoon and evening. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving; lots to do so I had best finish this and get some sleep.

Wherever you are today I hope that you have had a wonderful day with your friends and family.

Don Bergquist – November 23, 2011 – DeBordieu Colony, South Carolina, USA

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