Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Election Day

It's Election Day; the day those bumper stickers become more of an embarrassment. They instantly convert from telegraphing your lack of ability to think for yourself to telegraphing your lack of ability to pick a winner. Or, they instantly change from indicating that you have a political bent to indicating that your car value has been depreciated by a dated political statement that - try as you might - cannot be expunged from your bumper.

I've never understood the thinking behind bumper stickers. I mean, nobody has ever found themselves thinking, "That jerk just cut me off, I think I would like to vote for his candidate." Or "Candidate X must be right! His followers don’t even know how to use their turn signals!" Nowadays, they seem to make even less sense, as the bumper sticker will last far longer than the popularity of the candidate, party, or issue it advertises.

The important thing is not what you put on your bumper; it's what you do on Election Day that counts. Please get out there and vote today. People who don't vote get the government they deserve. Besides, if you do vote and your candidate loses, you have a right to be smug when everyone else realizes that the person elected has turned-out to be every bit as horrible as you thought.

Wherever you are today, please, do your civic duty and get out there to vote! I have.

Don Bergquist - November 02, 2010 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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