Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday - I Think Not!

A disproportionately large portion of the news yesterday was dedicated to the commencement of the holiday shopping season. I hate shopping in the best of times. Holiday shopping is, in my humble opinion, a consignment to the Dantean nether regions.

The stories these days are always about how many people are willing to spend all night in line to get into a store at some ungodly hour to fight over items, that are slightly less overpriced than normal. None of that for me! No, sir!

Not only is there always at least one story of some (near if not actual) riot that breaks out over some item or other that is the "it" gift of the year, there is usually the story of the crimes at the malls (as if this were the only time of year there was crime at the malls).

Saga and I spent a relaxing day yesterday cleaning-up after the thanksgiving dinner and doing Laundry - well, I did laundry and cleaned, she mostly kept checking-up on me to see if whatever project I was doing had anything to do with feeding her.

Today, I have not a lot to do, but I can promise you this, I will be nowhere near the malls today… I may take a walk with the dog… I may just read. In short, I have no plans for the day. Blissful, isn’t it!?

Wherever you are this weekend, I hope that you're having a lovely one!

Don Bergquist - November 27, 2010 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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