Saturday, December 04, 2010

Murphy's Law - An interlude

There is a corollary to Murphy's Law that states that not only with whatever can go wrong will go wrong, but that it will happen at the worst possible time. I suppose that this is an example of that corollary.

I have known for a few weeks now that I needed to replace my PC. It has been acting strangely for a few weeks. But my goal has been to get past the holidays before seriously attempting to replace it. I have too much on my mind, too many projects to complete, I really cannot stand to be without my computer right now.

So of course, NOW is when my motherboard decides that it is finished. I picture the chip tossing its connectors into the air and screaming "That's it! Finished! I'm outta here!"

I was sitting at the hotel last night and trying to get my blog posted when all of the sudden my PC stopped responding. The screen went dark, the system would not respond. It just died. A couple seconds later, the screen went dark, and there was nothing that could be done. It would not restart. Aahhhh....

I guess that my laptop decided that I had waited long enough. It wanted nothing more than to be sent to a server farm somewhere where it can chase variables and play in the field equations.

It was time to replace it... Good thing I had anticipated this and was ready with a budget to do so. Good thing I have an aunt locally who just happened to send me to a store that was having a sale. I now have a new core i7 machine for less then the core i5 machine I had been considering as a replacement for my old machine. Yeah!

Wherever you are today, I hope that you're running dependably.

Don Bergquist - December 04, 2010 - Kensington, Minnesota, USA

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