Friday, December 17, 2010

Fairy Dust

The morning will (finally!) dawn crisp and cold here in Colorado. It is, after all, nearly the end of December and it has been unusually warm here for this late in the fall!

Saga and I emerged from the house into a world that was transformed. Everywhere there is this light dusting of big, icy, snowflakes. The grounds of my complex show a shimmering white in the lights of the walkway lamps.

The park is another matter! The bright lamps at the entrance of the park are bounced back at us from thousands of fortuitously angled flakes so that every step we take the tall, dead, buffalo grass appears to be coated with that glassine glitter that is ubiquitous this time of year. It is lovely, even the parking lot and the walkway glitters and shimmers in the pre-dawn lighting.

But even crossing the road, I could tell that the morning commute will be tricky. The few cars that use Yale Avenue this early in the morning have melted the sparse snowfall into a sheen of slick, black, ice! I guess I had best post this and head out before the rush hour gets well and truly underway.

Wherever you are today, I hope that your morning starts out lovely!

Don Bergquist – December 17, 2010 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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