Thursday, December 09, 2010

GCs and PC Experts

Right about now, my dad must be thinking that it is nice to have PC Experts, Geniuses and General Contractors for offspring. My brothers and sister are brilliant people - smart enough to solve 99.99% of the issues that arise.

I'm creative enough (when I put myself into my analysis mindset) to discover the underlying cause of a number of things that Dad has happen and either know how to resolve it, or know which of my siblings to contact.

So it must be considered ironic that today's issue was one of a construction nature. (It's alright, Mary. I've got this one...)

Dad had a doorknob that was constantly locking them out of a room and he wanted to replace it. Looking at the doorknob to be replaced, I saw that it was the kind where you screwed together the hardware, then snapped on the face plate, and then locked the doorknob onto the post. Not too hard to replace, as long as you know the correct steps and know to remove the doorknob in the reverse order it was installed.

Now they will no longer be getting locked out of the bathroom. The doorknob is installed, the door looks good and the whole thing will make life a little better for my parents. So, for my last day in Kensington, I did a little light construction... not too bad for a computer guy!

Wherever you are today, I hope you've been able to make a contribution to the quality of someone's life.

Don Bergquist - December 09, 2010 - Kensington, Minnesota, USA

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