Monday, May 24, 2010

The Preparations Have Begun

What a hugely busy weekend I have had!

Those you you who actually know me have probably already heard that my tenure at Harris Corporation comes to an end this week. Those of you who have never actually met me, may have read about it on my website. If you haven't and are interested, you can read about it here. That being said...

Friday night I planned my weekend which, among other things, included heading into the office Saturday to take the time to clean-up my work area and remove my personal affects from the office. After more than twenty years, I suppose I should not have been surprised by the amount of personal stuff I had. Not the least of which was Hairy. Hairy is a Nolina (Beaucarnea) Recurvata or Ponytail Palm that I have been moving with me from office-to-office for nearly twenty-five years now.

Back in 1985, when I started working at Blair Television in Tampa, my boss gave me a budget and asked me to furnish the office with greenery. I walked into a place out by my apartment called "Cheap Plants" and spent the entire budget with almost more plants than I could fit into the my car. The owner of the shop was glad to see me and (apparently) wanted me back she she gave me Hairy as a gift. At the time, he was in a 4" pot and was approximately 3" tall.

As you may be able to tell, Hairy is now well over 4' tall and could not fit in my car for the trip home in an upright position. I had to lean him over the entire trip. Hairy has, I think, now retired. I cannot take him into my next office without the possibility of serious damage so I suppose he is now a resident of my patio for the duration; who will winter in my dining room.

But moving Hairy was only one thing that I did this weekend. The actual prep list (those things I have to complete before leaving on sabbatical) ran almost two full pages once I had built the to-do list. Saturday and Sunday I completed a bit more than a third of it. It is a good thing the weather was nice this weekend. It made the errands I had to run much more pleasant! It is going to be a busy week.

Wherever you were this weekend I hope it was a lovely and productive one for you as well!

Don Bergquist - May 24, 2010 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA


Anonymous said...

Where does a computer expert go on sabbatical? Do you go to Silicon Valley and meet with the great minds there?

Anonymous Reader

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog. I cannot speak for all computer experts, but I will be going to Minnesota. And Georgia. Florida, South Carolina, DC, and other places will follow.

Basically, this is an opportunity for me to re-connect with friends and family. Along the way, I will be checking out a few prospects.

Thanks again for the comment, AR!


Anonymous said...

Talking to a lot of people and keeping your mind open to new ideas and new possibilities is probably a good approach to looking for work. Industries change so quickly these days that the demand for your services might be at a place that you didn't think of looking.

From your blog I see that you are a very thorough person in your analysis of issues. I've been surprised by how quickly and thoroughly you have answered questions that were raised by your readers. You would probably be good as a speechwriter or a writer for a radio talk show if you wanted to make a major career change. You can come with ideas and facts very quickly. Thanks again for responding to my question. Actually, I didn't think you would go to Silicon Valley on sabattical. Considering your love of England I thought you might choose Oxford or Cambridge.


Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous Reader,

Thanks again for reading and commenting on my blog.

At the risk of sounding in some way conceited, I must tell you how perceptive you are. In my long and checkered past I have been a writer professionally. One of my earliest jobs was as a copywriter and reporter for a radio station in rural Minnesota. Granted, it was only a paid internship and lasted only about four months but I was paid so it counts as “professional.” I think I was good at it, I definitely enjoyed it.

I have considered doing that and may consider it more as I get into the post-Harris part of my career change search. But first, I am planning on taking some time and getting a bit of quality time with my family and friends.

I hope that you will have a great summer. Please continue to follow my blog as I begin my travels around the country visiting with family and friends.

Thanks again for reading and commenting on my blog!
