Monday, June 17, 2013

Again With The Plans!?


Deciding to take the back roads in - was fortuitous. The weather radio was going off when I came in the house yesterday. There were severe thunderstorms throughout the area that I would have been driving through all afternoon.

At the moment I have the house to myself. My aunt, sister, and step-mom are all in town doing something. I had planned on taking a nap when I got here, but the weather radio made that all but impossible.

Ya'd have thought I'd've learned by now. Yesterday was just lovely, apart from the nagging reminders that Dad is gone, it was the kind of day to revel in. I stayed in bed obscenely late. I made my way down to breakfast and had two cups of coffee as I lingered over email.

Then, to prove to myself that I was really not on any schedule or following any plan more than anything else, I went for a swim before packing the car and heading out. Why did I have to make that plan to take nap, had I not done so, I probably would have had the nap, I probably would have had the time to enjoy the loons calling to each other across the lake a while longer before falling asleep.

Ah! Well... Time to get this posted and open the work computer. I have a few loose ends I have to tie-up before I can allow my projects to sit unattended for the next week.

Wherever you are today, I hope your planning is more fortuitous than mine has been of late.

Don Bergquist - June 17, 2013 - Kensington, Minnesota, USA

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