Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy Birthday To The US Navy


Anonymous said...

I feel bad. I had totally forgotten that this is the Navy's birthday. I"ll have to hurry out to the stores before they close. Last year, on their 234th birthday, I got them an anchor. Not sure what I should give them this year.

Anonymous Reader

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous Reader:

Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog.

Yes, buying a gift is always a quandary. "Will they like it?" "Will it be the right size?" "Is it too personal a gift?"

But the answer to your dilemma is hidden right there in plain sight within your original comments. Not sure what to get them? Gave them an anchor last year? Hmmmm... seems pretty obvious to me.

A nice chain is always appreciated. It goes with everything. And you've already given them the anchor so you know that they'd have a use for it!

Besides, it is the gift that you can build on for years to come. Each year you can send them a new charm to add to the chain!

Dear Anonymous Reader: You're cleverer than you give yourself credit for!

Thanks again for reading and commenting!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your ideas. I'll get them a chain but make sure that it doesn't look too expensive. I don't really know them very well and they might be embarrassed if I get them a gift that is too fancy or too expensive.


Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous Reader:

Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog.

If you "know" them better next year you might want to get them something more personal. I'm not thinking a negligee or anything, but perhaps a nice picture of yourself and them at a special moment. You know, something that makes them think of you!

Thanks again for your comment!
