Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Skyscraper at Sunrise

One of the interesting things about the building I work in is its shape. The story we were told was that the church that sits on California Street (the other side from this point of view) actually owns all the land that the building sits on. The story is that the church was in need of some major repairs and didn't have the money to affect them so they leased the rights to the entire block to the company who owns the building if while building the skyscraper they would also rebuild the church.

The church got rebuilt on the side of the block opposite its original location, and then the skyscraper went up around it. And by around, I really mean "around."

The other side of the building is a concave curve that wraps around half the church from the altar to the narthex. It is a cool building trimmed in green lights at night and reflecting the morning light interestingly on days with good sunrises.

I hope your day is a good one!

Don Bergquist - 27-September-2005 - Denver, Colorado

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