Sunday, April 10, 2005

Springtime in the Rocies

It is a beautiful day in the Rockies, well…

Okay, I'm actually located in the Denver Piedmont. In addition, technically it is not that great a day either. It has been snowing since very early this morning. They have been saying on the news all day that they expect it to dump thirty inches of snow on us before it decides to move on.

When I first took the dog out early this morning, Saga looked at me as if I had personally placed all this snow there to annoy her. (She does not like cold or wet… today is just not her day!)

Snow on the Blossoms

I decided to document the day for everyone. So, please feel free to follow the link above to see more pictures. I went out all day, every hour to see what the changes are.

It is amazing that I never believed my dad when he used to talk about having to crawl out the second story window to get to Easter mass. I guess it goes to prove that not all the stories my dad tells have been embellished. (But I'll still accuse him of it… it's more fun that way!)

I hope that today finds you warm and dry and safe an comfy. I think I will go make a cup of cocoa and watch the snow falling as the sun sets on this wintry day.

Have a great day!

Don Bergquist – Lakewood, Colorado – 10, April, 2005

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