Thursday, November 20, 2008

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Eventually, she decides that Daddy is just not leaving so she can go back to the living room and get on with her arduous schedule of sleeping. I'd say "cat napping" but as she is a dog, it may offend her!

One of the cool things about the breed that Saga belongs to is that they are equally happy getting out and being active with you or assuming a position, balled-up on the couch and napping all day. They are either hard-working herders or they are couch potatoes! Either way, it's all the same to them.

Saga loves getting out and taking a walk (assuming it is not too cold or wet) and when we return, she is perfectly happy to ball-up on the couch or on her bed by the front windows, and just snooze the day away. What a wonderful life.

It's funny; when I go down for my second cup of coffee, her head lifts inquisitively. Is Daddy on his way to get me a snack? is the obvious question that had drifted lazily through her head. Seeing me come back almost immediately, she barely stirs the next time I head down.

If I fail to come down any time soon, she'll come up and see what Daddy is up to. We have our "Work From Home Day" routine... and I am happy with it. I also get to go out for a walk with her at lunchtime... I'm sure she likes this too. But the operative part of a "Work From Home Day" is the "work" part and I suppose I have put that off long enough, so I should get to it.

Wherever you are today, I hope that you will have a good day!

Don Bergquist - November 20, 2008 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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