Sunday, February 15, 2009

Early Spring

Okay, this is TOO much!

Here it is the middle of February and my spring bulbs are just itching to get bursting. I have tulips (at least, I think they are tulips...) starting to put up shoots! Even though it is the middle of winter things are sprouting!

Perhaps it is a tribute to the comfort and warmth this winter has afforded us here in Colorado. We've had a bit of snow over the past couple days, but only a light dusting.

Actually, it was the light dusting of snow that allowed me to see the sprouts at all... The had been lost in the tangle of last year's dead foliage along the front of my home.

But with the recent snowfall, I could not miss the purplish-green shoots poking through stark white of the snow as Saga and I headed back from our walk this morning. I would say "Spring is on its way," but with the lovely weather we have been having, it's like it has been here for weeks.

March is usually the snowiest month here, so I fear these tulips (at least I think these are tulips) will be regretting the decision to pop up this early soon! But for now, it is a sign that the winter is wearing on - regardless of what the weather report says!

Wherever you are today, I hope you'll have a lovely day!

Don Bergquist - February 15, 2009 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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