Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Travelogue: Australia – Preparations

Well, THAT was fun!

Poor baby, Saga really does not like to be parted from her Daddy! She likes it even less when it is Daddy taking her to the kennel and leaving her there alone!

So when I bundled her bedding into the car and we went for a drive, she looked apprehensive. When we stopped at the kennel, she started to worry, when the nice lady who will be feeding her for the next month tried to take her away from her Daddy, she looked back longingly and whined a bit.

It was a bit heart-rending, but at least it is done. There is a lot to do today before I can get on a plane tomorrow and it will just be easier without her being underfoot. Besides, I have done it the other way around as well… She gets anxious when I start packing for a trip while she is there, so there or not, there is no winning – I am just hoping this way is less stressful for her if not for me, at least. This way she has the shock of going the kennel without the additional stress of watching me pack.

Speaking of which, that is what I need to be doing – Packing! There is packing and cleaning to do and things to get ready so my home can be left empty for this last month of winter. As this month tends to be the coldest and snowiest, it is imperative that I need to take steps to prepare my home. And I can’t do that while sitting here – so…

Wherever you are today I hope that any stress you are feeling is good stress and that your preparations are all going well!

Don Bergquist – March 06, 2012 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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