Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Social Discourse

It is truly interesting to me that there are actually people who are supporting the mean-spirited and unsupported personal attack recently launched by a radio talk show host on a witness testifying on women’s healthcare. Mr. Limbaugh issued the opinion that Ms. Fluke was a slut and a whore. This is such a ridiculous error in logic and lapse in decorum that I could not let it pass.

A friend of mine started a discussion on his facebook page about the issue and I was surprised to see that there were friends of his actually supporting the comments of Mr. Limbaugh. The commenter also called the people saying that Rush was out-of-line hypocritical. He asked how we defend our calling Rush names for his calling Ms. Fluke names.

There is a difference between stating a demonstrable fact (i.e. Rush Limbaugh launches unwarranted and mean-spirited attacks) and making personal attacks that are neither based on personal knowledge nor on supportable fact (i.e. a woman testifying before congress about a woman’s health issue is a “Whore” because she uses birth control and wants it covered by her insurance).

There is a difference between stating a demonstrable fact (i.e. Rush Limbaugh launches unwarranted and mean-spirited attacks) and making personal attacks that are neither based on personal knowledge nor on supportable fact (i.e. a woman testifying before congress about a woman’s health issue is a “Whore” because she uses birth control and wants it covered by her insurance).

His last comment is an interesting one: “More Government = Less Freedom, there is no gray area here!”

Government is a necessary evil. Without it the society falls prey to the baser elements in it. Without the government there is no social safety net. Without the government there is no regulation assuring a safe food and drug supply. Or do you really believe that the free market will assure that faceless multi-national corporations will act ethically out of some altruistic drive? If this is your premise, I would suggest you enroll in a good history course or two. Before the governments stepped in corporations were polluting the air and water, the food supply was handled in an unsafe manner. There were known poisonous and carcinogenic agents used in food preparation and in the manufacture of children’s toys. 

That is what less government means along with the personal freedom that I agree with you is a good thing. So no, in all cases less government is not a good thing. Unfortunately the gray areas are larger than the black and white combined. 

I’ll step back off the soap box now.

Wherever you are today I hope you will take an active voice in the political discussion!

Don Bergquist – March 07, 2012 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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