Friday, November 30, 2007


Perhaps it is the realization that I have returned to my home in Lakewood for good and my body is rebelling against it, perhaps it is that I spent that three weeks in the GMT +2 time zone with my friends in South Africa… What ever the reason I am jetlagged.

No, I mean I am really JETLAGGED! It usually is the case that when I get home I want to fall asleep at my desk around two in the afternoon and want to be awake at three every morning. This time, I actually dozed off at my desk yesterday just after lunch. I think I may have come-up with the correct solution, though.

When I returned home last night, I took a nap for an hour. I the forced myself to stay awake until my normal bedtime and took a sleeping pill to keep me asleep until my normal wake-up time. It seems to have worked. When my wake-up track started on my CD alarm clock (Piano Concerto in a-minor by Edvard Grieg) at 04:30, I was lightly dozing, but still asleep.

It is now just before six; I've done my 1/2 hour on the treadmill, completed my morning ablutions, dressed, eaten breakfast and taken Saga for a nice long walk in her park. I guess I should wrap-this-up and get to the office. Hopefully, I will have an internet connection this weekend and I can catch-up on my blog posting.

Wherever you are today, I hope your day is starting-out nicely!

Don Bergquist – November 30, 2007 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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