Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Older I Get…

On this Father’s Day, I wanted to share a story about my dad – I may have shared this one before, but if not… It is an illustration of an interesting effect of aging that I have noticed: “The older I get, the smarter my dad gets!”

Dad had so many interesting things that he did that seemed, at the time, to make no sense… The older I get the more sense they make. For today’s example I want to talk about shaving with Daddy. 

When we were children, there was a daily ritual that occurred each morning of our summer vacations. Back then I thought it was just fun. Now… 

In the summers we would pack the trailer and go camping. Each morning my brothers and I would head to the bathrooms with dad and there, dad would hand us each a safety razor (without a blade in it) and a huge dollop of shaving cream. We’d stand there, wet faces barely peaking over the counter, and slathering the mentholated lather over our little faces. We’d then scrape the goop off our faces. 

As I said, this was just a fun way to spend time with Dad when we were kids. Now that I am older, I realize – this was a BRILLIANT move by Dad! What, after-all, is shaving cream but soap!? Dad had – on all those mornings in campgrounds around America – gotten us, voluntarily and without too much fuss, to wash our hands and faces.

Ah, the wisdom of our fathers! Wherever you are today, please remember to let your Dad know that you appreciate all he does for you! 

Don Bergquist – June 19, 2016 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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