Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Travelogue: London - And In Health

Okay, the rant yesterday was because one of my coworkers had to be coaxed into staying home when they were sick and not passing it to the rest of us. I was suffering a bit of a frog in my throat, but that was only because I missed my allergy pill yesterday morning and, until found I still had some in my briefcase, I was suffering – but at least I was suffering in a purely non-contagious way.

I have to remember when I come over here how bad my allergies get here. Even in the winter time. I am convinced it must be mould spores or something. Luckily, I have enough to keep me healthy for the rest of my stay! I do not have my NHS card any longer – even if I did I have no time to spend in the A&E waiting to be seen to get a prescription for a medication anyway.

Chalk-it-up to experience and move on – and remember to pack more drugs next trip!

Wherever you are I hope that you are maintaining good health!

Don Bergquist - 30 January 2013 - Maida Vale, London, United Kingdom 

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