Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy birthday to ???

Gee, this little guy seems not too happy to be here!

Someone give him a pony, that will cheer him up!

See? I told you! That's much better. Wherever you are today, I hope you get what makes you happy.

And if today is your birthday too, I hope that you will have a great one!

Don Bergquist - February 16, 2010 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

Mardi Gras

Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Not A Real Holiday…

I think I have to take exception to something that someone said on the morning newscast this morning. They referred to President's Day as "not a real holiday" because they didn’t get it off...

Aside from the fact that they were broadcasters and therefore got none of the traditionally observed holidays off, it is a little self-centered to say that because you don’t recognize something it is not so, isn't it? Isn't it the differences between people that make things worth exploring?

I think there should be a holiday for tossing treats to your dog. Or how about a day commemorating the invention of post-it notes? There should be more holidays, not fewer. And we should all remember when they are and refer to the days of the year that way; the way people once remembered the day of the year for the patron saint of the day.

Think of it when the 20th of May comes along and we're all celebrating Eliza Doolittle Day!

Wherever you are today, I hope you'll celebrate a holiday today - even if you have to make it up.

Don Bergquist - February 15, 2010 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

Washington's Birthday

President's Day

Happy birthday to my nephew Andrew

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Is Romace Dead?

Or has it just dropped off for a quick nap?
A friend of mine recently gave me this idea for a card... Actually, it was something that I was thinking of doing anyway.

I heard a story on one of the news programs I follow that talked about giving cards and presents for divorce. Apparently, one store has even started a divorce registry! (What? You only got one crockpot at your wedding and can't believe she kept it when you split? Register for one at the Divorce Registry of your local department store.)

Once again, is there no depth to which American Consumerism will not sink? At least I never actually sell my cards. (Unless you're interested in buying one... in which case, drop me an email. I would be happy to talk about selling my work!)

Wherever you are today, I hope that you're having a lovely Valentines Day!

Don Bergquist - February 14, 2010 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

Chinese New Year

St. Valentine's Day

Happy birthday to my friend Kelly

Monday, February 08, 2010

Not Much Happening...

Oh, come on! You just know that this is going to be the day to hold it over the heads of football fans. I mean really, how important can the game be when the big news leading-up to the game is what commercials are (or aren't) going to be in the game.

This year it seemed to have been worse than usual. Not only was there the usual hype about who was going to be in the game, but there was also a clever advertiser who determined that it would be pretty cool to try and get on so that they could fail and then make it good on the publicity that they got for free from not being permitted to advertise in the game itself.

As for myself, I didn't watch a minute of it... come-on, let's be honest. I had already seen what was going to be in the breaks (which, as any broadcast traffic person can tell you, is the only part of the show that matters)and was certain that the commercials would be recapped on the news today. Furthermore, I knew that no matter how "good" (and I use the word without prejudice) the game might be I would be hearing about it for a week or more on the news.

Why is it that football is like M*A*S*H? Because just like the TV Series was longer than the war it depicts, the coverage of the football game and the analysis and the "highlight" will be on the air for much longer than the game itself. (Oh yeah!)

Besides, I had more important things to do yesterday. The person who was throwing the party, brought-out a game while waiting for "The Game" to start. I played once with a large group then a couple more games with the people at the party who, like me, had no interest in the game. It was fun.

But honest being important to the author of this blog (No, really! It is!) I have to admit that I have heard enough to at least know who won... I suppose there will now be a reason to celebrate for my New Orleans friends! So, congrats, guys!

(Oh, and I have a reason to celebrate too! I won two games of Ninja Burger and one game of Super Munchkin. Okay, it may not make the news, but I enjoyed it!)

Wherever you are today, I hope that you had a great weekend!

Don Bergquist - February 08, 2010 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

Monday, February 01, 2010

Suburban Renewal

It has been a noisy weekend at the Bergquist Household. The re-roofing project has been going on all week and Saturday it finally hit my end of the complex. (The roofs had to be replaced after a particularly damaging hail storm this summer damaged the roofs on all twenty-six buildings.)I went off to run an errand on Saturday morning and could not get back into my garage because the roofers had taken over the parking lot before I could return.

At least I could get out. The neighbor of mine who parks behind where that slab of plywood is located had to find a team supervisor to get someone to move the materials they had stacked in front of her car so that she could leave.

Unfortunately, Saturday was an early morning for me, so by mid day I really wanted a nap! Some trick with all the thumping and banging going on… directly above my bedroom! But somehow, I did get the nap in!

Luckily, the weekend was a lovely one and Saga and I spent much of the time while the activity was going on outside in the park, we even hopped into the car and went out to the drive in for lunch. In short, it was a lovely day and great weekend!

Wherever you were this weekend, I hope it was lovely!

Don Bergquist – February 01, 2010 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA