Monday, August 31, 2009

Bipolar Weekend!

If weekends could suffer personality disorders, this weekend would certainly be diagnosed with bipolar disorder! Saturday was absolutely lovely! The sun shone, the breezes were warm but pleasant. I waited to see what the predictions were for the weekend before making plans. The weatherman got it right!

Saturday was lovely and a great day to do some work outside in the yard. Saga and I took a nice, long walk in the park, we even went to that evil place (the dog wash) to torture her (give her a bath) before giving he a treat… we went to a local drive-in restaurant where they have cookies for dogs that allow their people to drive around in the car with them. Saga even begged a second cookie!

Sunday, not so great! I awoke to overcast and threatening skies. A light drizzle fell in the morning and Saga wanted nothing to do with the park. The day, overall was pretty cool and better spent inside. So that is what I did. I spent the day doing housework and some maintenance on my photo library.

Who knows what today will hold, it is still too dark out for me to be able to tell much. The weather was cool and the sky a bit overcast as Saga and I went for our walk this morning… she didn't want to venture too far into the park. I am not sure if she could sense the coyotes nearby. I couldn't see or hear them, but then Saga often sees things I can’t. Some of them are even there.

But I guess I should get this posted and get to the office… it is shaping-up to be a busy week!

Wherever you are today, I hope that you'll have a great week!

Don Bergquist – August 31, 2009 – Lakewood, Colorado, USA

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