Thursday, August 21, 2008


One of the nice things about being able to periodically work from home is that (usually) it makes the commute easier. Though, when Saga gets it into hear head to be obstructive, well... that's another story.

Another is how productive I can be. Without the interruptions of the day, people coming by to chat, the impromptu meetings, that kind of thing, I can really hunker down and get some serious planning and writing accomplished.

Also, I can work in my underwear if I want. (You don't believe me? Well, I'll just have to include a picture of me in my underwear for you as proof!)  At home, I can play my music as loud as I want, listen to the news, or whatever. And when it is time for lunch, I can traipse myself over to the pool to go for a swim if I want and be back before the salad I've just taken out of the 'fridge is warm.

Plus, I have the occasional visit from Saga to make sure that I am not hiding goodies from her:

"Daddy," you can read in her insistence to be petted, "you must be eating something in here that is really yummy... you haven't wanted to play with me all morning. It's been forever. You haven't stroked my fur in at least an hour... Daddy! Tell me I'm a good girl. Daddy, Is that a cookie for me that you have on your desk?" ...and so on.

But even that pleasant interruption can be shut out by simply closing the office door. No sweat!

But to be productive, one actually has to get to work, so I had better post this, take Saga for her morning walk, plan my playlist for the day and then get to work.

Wherever you are today, I wish you a productive day with only the interruptions that please you!

Don Bergquist - August 21, 2008 - Lakewood, Colorado, USA

(Okay,  technically, it is a picture of Saga and Me in my underwear, but hey, I don't have many pictures of myself! And the ones I do have usually have either the dog or my friends in them. - djb)

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