Sunday, September 09, 2007

Blood Sport

What a lovely weekend! I took a ride with the trailer and the dog down to Bushy Park to attend a charity cricket match to support the local children's football (soccer) club. It was a lovely day, and very colorful. The blue of the sky, the green of the grass, the white of the uniforms, the red of the blood…

Who knew Cricket was such a violent game? I've seen hockey matches with less blood!

The first casualty of the game came when one of the players turned a knee aggravating an old injury whilst running the wickets, later, one of the fielders tried to catch a ball with his face and suffered a broken nose.

For all the injuries, though, nobody was seriously hurt and it was a good day out in the park. There was a drawing for prizes and beer and a cookout after the game. Saga and I didn’t stay for the cookout, she was getting a bit antsy and starting to act a bit whiny so I decided it was time to head home.

All-in-all, it was a lovely day; we visited with friends, had a few beers, watched the game. The Bush Park Gardeners against the Safer Parks Council and Metropolitan Police team. The Police lost. (I think they lost… who can tell?)

Wherever you are today, I hope you've had a lovely day and have a great night!

Don Bergquist – 09 September 2007 – Thames Ditton, Surrey, UK

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