Saturday, March 12, 2005

Flying East

I've always found that the biggest problem with jet lag was encountered on the trip east. The rapid and extreme change of time zone is, for me, far more off-putting when it makes me miss the sunrise. All of my life I've been an early riser, so the early hours of the day culminatinating in the glory of a spectacular sunrise is the perfect start of the day for me.

More-often-than-not these days, those early hours are largely spent driving to the train station, and the golden glory of the sunrise is basked in (albeit briefly) over the top of the computer on my desk. But still I get to... experience (if not exactly enjoy)... my favorite hours of the day.

This weekend, I am flying east in a big way. I get to fly back to London on business again. I have been up for a couple hours and am writing this in the early hours of the morning. When Saga and I went out earlier, it was cool, crisp and completely clear. The stars were ablaze and I am certain it will be a wonderful day for those of you who are not planning on spending the bulk of it on a plane somewhere.

I’ll take a couple pictures of the morning before I get on the plane so that you can see how beautiful it is here in Lakewood.

I hope you have a wonderful day where you are!

Don Bergquist – 12-March-2005 – Lakewood, Colorado

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